Friday, February 17, 2012

TF2Idle Program

Since I've been using Sandboxie lately (I can run 10!! 10 freaking instances at once without a single hitch!) I ran across a small utility called TF2Idle. It was written by a guy named Moussekateer and posted to the forums here. It automates the idle account launching via Sandboxie in a novel way.I was working on something similar, but his is much more advanced than my own. After checking the source, I tried it out. So far, my impression is, its great!

However, setting the thing up is difficult, as theres zero documentation on how to do it.. So here are some screenshots to help out. Since I'd rather be burning spies and reflecting rockets i'll just leave these here.

Also a quick note, It crashes after 30 accounts.

Don't forget to get your steam API from here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Ive just started using this program and have set up everything except a steam api
    Is it necessary?
    Whats it for?
    Please reply to
